A while ago, I described how to set up an IPv6 Tunnel, so you could experiment with IPv6 at home. But while I’ve set it up myself a dozen times by now, I rarely had the tunnel active for a long time. Reason: I’m not too happy about a connection without any sort of firewall applied. So in this post, I’m going to describe how to set up a basic IPv6 firewall on an interface in Vyatta. The Cisco-based solution might follow later. To be honest, I’m not even going to try the Windows Server based solution.

Vyatta allows for three directions to apply the rules: in, out and local. Local means traffic destined for the device itself. This is important: I do not have to define any entries in my rules concerning local packets, like routing protocols, LLDP and IPv6 neighbour discovery and router solicitation.

Also, I cannot just block all ICMPv6 packets. IPv6 routers cannot perform fragmentation, unlike IPv4. This means fragmentation has to be done by end nodes. An ICMPv6 type 2 datagram, “Packet too big”, has to be allowed through, otherwise connections will fail if a too big MTU value is used (because the end nodes never find out why it doesn’t work). ICMPv6 type 3 code 1, “Time exceeded” packets tell when fragments are lost during transit.  Finally, types 133-136 are for router solicitation and neighbour discovery, but are handled as local on the Vyatta. If you’re using other platforms, be aware that these types need to be allowed too.

Now for the real ‘firewalling’ part. I’m going to allow echo replies in, so I can ping outside devices. I will not be allowing echo requests in. Yes, that’s making me feel more secure, although it doesn’t have any added value anymore. I’m also letting IPSec through because I’m doing VPN experiments later on. Apart from that, UDP will be allowed, and TCP packets with the ACK bit set. This is similar to the keyword ‘established’ on a Cisco ACL, and will only allow return packets of active sessions. This is not the same as a stateful firewall, but it provides a basic defense against connection attempts. Here is the code:

reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW description “Firewall to block incoming connections from IPv6 Tunnel”
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW default-action drop
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 5 protocol icmpv6
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 5 icmpv6 type packet-too-big
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 5 action accept
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 5 description “Must be allowed or MTU discovery will break”
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 10 protocol icmpv6
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 10 icmpv6 type pong
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 10 action accept
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 10 description “Allow ping replies”
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 15 protocol icmpv6
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 15 icmpv6 type time-exceeded
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 15 action accept
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 15 description “May cause fragmentation issues otherwise”
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 20 ipsec match-ipsec
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 20 action accept
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 20 description “Allow incoming IPSec connections”
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 30 protocol tcp
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 30 tcp flags ACK
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 30 action accept
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 30 description “Allow established TCP connections”
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 35 protocol udp
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 35 action accept
reggle@vyatta# set firewall ipv6-name WANFW rule 35 description “Allow stateless UDP”

That’s it. After that, do a ‘set interfaces tunnel tun0 firewall in ipv6-name WANFW’, followed by ‘commit’, and it should work. You can test this by trying to ping an IPv6 host (like ipv6.google.com), which should work (echo reply allowed), while a ping to your computer should fail (echo request not allowed). The latter you can test on this website. Don’t forget to save the configuration if it works!